MS and Treatment with Stem Cell Therapy – Things to Know

Multiple Sclerosis, or known as MS is one of the many nerve-related issues that have destroyed the motor skills and also the routine of a person.

This disorder is a way of affecting the central nervous system in the body as it will damage the myelin sheath that covers the nervous system.

As a result, there will be a breakage in the connection between the brain and the body’s working mechanism.

Many studies have been put forward to understand how stem cell therapy works on MS issues.

The mesenchymal tissues have a way of reducing the inflammation effects that MS has on the CNS. However, not all stem cell therapy solutions are as effective as they sound.

Multiple Sclerosis and Stem Cell Therapy 

MS is localised by severe inflammation effects on immune cells, as they damage the myelin sheath of the CNS.

Stem cell therapy aims at not only improving the condition of the myelin sheath but can also reduce the inflammation effects in the patients.

This solution can successfully do tissue-protective, immunomodulatory, and repair-promoting magic on the body cells.

Studies of stem cell therapy clinical trials on MS patients have shed light on many facts that the patients that underwent the trials experienced an increase in mobility, flexibility, strength, and effective control of their essential bodily functions.

These are the issues that get affected by MS on CNS, and the patients got to feel the best results from the trials.

Regrowth of Myelin with Stem Cells 

Studies have shed light on the fact that myelin sheaths can be successfully repaired with the help of stem cell therapy.

The regrowth and restoration of the myelin sheath in CNS can successfully take care of the damaged neurons.

This, in turn, will handle the repairing of many further tissues in the liver, blood vessels, the brain, bone marrow, skin, and skeletal muscles.

Success Rate 

As per the studies conducted on the effect of stem cell therapy on MS, the chances of successful results are very low.

However, the relapsing chances of MS after the treatments are comparatively lower or nil in some cases.

The patients improved greatly after the treatment and without any symptoms of recurring the issue.

When looking through the side effects or other such negative impacts on the patients with MS with stem cell therapy, the experts noted not many side effects, let alone the severe negative effects.

Lasting Effects 

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Investigations are still going on to understand how long will the effects of stem cell therapy last after the treatment.

No such conclusive results are noted in this case, and yet the therapy is offered to people who need it because of their MS problem.

The main reason for using stem cells as the source of the therapy is that they are the cells that are extracted from the blood sample of the host body.

Hence, the immune system will recognise its native cells and will not cause any immunological reaction.

The stem cells, when recognising the host, will proceed with multiplying as required and start working on the targeted issue.